n.179 Angloamericana

«Representations of Italians and Italian Americans: the State of the Art»
0 Valutazione
stato: Disponibile
Argomento: letteratura angloamericana

anno: 2020
, pagine: 132
15,00 €
15,00 €
questo volume è acquistabile anche in capitoli separati accedi all'indice
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MARY JO BONA, Why Amnesia? Migrant Memories in Italian-American Lit-erature
ROBERT CASILLO, Ezra Pound, John Adams, James Fenimore Cooper, and the Myth of the Venetian Republic
PERRI GIOVANNUCCI, A Book Throws A Shadow: “Unstable Text and Postmodern Storytelling in DeLillo’s Names, Vidal’s Live from Golgotha, and Caldwell and Thomason’s Rule of Four
ILARIA SERRA, Needlework and the Feminine in Adriana Trigiani’s Novels
SABRINA VELLUCCI, “Something Left to Love”: Lorraine Hansberry’s and Tina De Rosa’s Chicago

MARY JO BONA, Why Amnesia? Migrant Memories in Italian-American Lit-erature
ROBERT CASILLO, Ezra Pound, John Adams, James Fenimore Cooper, and the Myth of the Venetian Republic
PERRI GIOVANNUCCI, A Book Throws A Shadow: “Unstable Text and Postmodern Storytelling in DeLillo’s Names, Vidal’s Live from Golgotha, and Caldwell and Thomason’s Rule of Four
ILARIA SERRA, Needlework and the Feminine in Adriana Trigiani’s Novels
SABRINA VELLUCCI, “Something Left to Love”: Lorraine Hansberry’s and Tina De Rosa’s Chicago

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