Volpi Vittorio
A great Italian master in Asia
0 Valutazione
stato: Disponibile
Collana: Biblioteca Ambrosiana - Fonti e studi/18
anno: 2013
, pagine: 248 + 42 tavole immagini

ISBN: 978-88-7870-777-1
27,00 €
25,65 €
1,35 €
 Torna a: Biblioteca Ambrosiana - Fonti e studi
Giuseppe pittau, s.J., Valignano’s lesson: language and culture

THE VISITOR. A great Italian master in Asia
1. The Japan found by the first Europeans
2. Alessandro Valignano in the far East of the 16th century
3. Japanese nobles visit Europe
4. Japan in transformation
5. Valignano, pioneer of inculturation
6. The Japanese church in the storm and the “chained country”
The book’s main characters
Europe and Japan between the 16th and 17th centuries
appendiX 1 – Young Valignano’s trial
appendiX 2 – Valignano in his thirties preparing the Asian mission
General bibliography
Index of names
List of illustrations

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